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2024 Forage Field Day scheduled for Tuesday, October 15th!
All are welcome to this free field day, but if you would like to gather Master Beef certification- please click the registration button to make payment.
TN Master Beef Producer Program
The Master Beef Producer Program is an educational program designed to provide information to Tennessee cow-calf producers to help them be the very best in the country, improve their profitability and position the industry to be competitive with other states. The Master Beef Producer Program is led by a team of University of Tennessee Extension specialists and agents, with the support and involvement of representatives of state level agencies, businesses and organizations that have an interest in the state’s cattle industry. Certification in this program must be renewed every three years to remain eligible for Tennessee Ag Enhancement Program.
2024 Fall Master Beef Session in-person will be held on November 1st
In-person registration also available by visiting our office!

Beef Quality Assurance (BQA)
Beef Quality Assurance is sponsored by the Tennessee Cattleman’s Association to ensure that beef cattle in Tennessee are managed in a way that provides a better product. This program focuses on creating a healthy, wholesome product through training in areas such as transportation, vaccination, record keeping, and general care. BQA certification is required in order to attend Master Beef sessions and is required to apply for Tennessee Ag Enhancement (TAEP) funds.
BQA must be renewed every 3 years: Fees for this program are $40 for non Tennessee Cattleman’s Association members and $10 for members. If you are not a TCA member and wish to join while completing BQA: $60.
Classes are held before the application period for the Tennessee Agriculture Enhancement Program or by appointment. You can also complete the certification below.

Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program (TAEP)
The TN Ag Enhancement Program (TAEP) provides cost share dollars to agricultural producers. Participation allows producers to maximize farm profits, adapt to changing market situations, improve operation safety, increase farm efficiency and make a positive economic impact in their communities.

- To be eligible, applicants must meet basic eligibility requirements that vary between sectors. For example, livestock producers must gain Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certification prior to the application period and meet minimum livestock/acreage requirements for the program selected.
Electronic copies of the applications:
2024 Application Period is October 1-7